Hex Codes:

These are the hex codes used in html coding. Well, just a few of them anyway. There are some websites
on the internet that will give you just about all the colors in hex code, for example, Bravenet.com is one site
that offers a listing of the hex codes. Plus, they have many other interesting things to offer that can
be used on your own webpages.

Dark Blue = #00008b

Dark Goldenrod = #b8860b

Crimson = #dc143c

Dark Green = #006400

Olive Green = #556b2f

Dark Red = #8b0000

Forest Green = #228b22

Indigo = #4b0082

Maroon = #800000

Midnight Blue = #191970

Brown = #a52a2a

Bright Yellow = #ffff00

Light Grey = #eeeeee

Brown = #996633

Ruby Red = #bb0000

Orange = #ff6600

Navy Blue = #003399

Violet = #cc66cc

Purple = #9900cc

Bright Green = #00ff00

Bright Blue = #0000ff

Baby Blue = #6699ff

Deep Violet = #990099

Magenta = #ff00ff

Firebrick = #b22222

Medium Violet Red = #c71585

Olive = #808000

Saddle Brown = #8b4513

Dark Slate Gray = #2f4f4f

Bright Pink = #ff3399

Light Pink = #ff6699

Light Purple = #cc66ff

Blue Purple = #9900ff

Deep Yellow = #ffcc00

Pale Purple = #cc99cc

Bright Red = #ff0000

Dark Grey = #222222

Medium Grey = #888888

Beige = #ffcc99

Light Green = #33cc66

Burnt Red = #550b00

Medium Dark Brown = #552800

Salmon = #ffb0b0

Very Dark Red/Violet = #69003d

Sky Blue = #00ccff

Grass Green = #009933

Blue = #000099

Light Green = #33cc66

Some of these colors are actually too light for this background, as you can see. The hex code for
Beige is #ffcc99, and the code for Salmon is #ffb0b0. I apologize for this.

This background is one of mine, by the way. If you're interested in using it, feel free to use it.